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Here you can find many links to gum related web pages and to other interesting links from them. Also there are lists of other collectors of gum wrappers,and other collectibles with whom I had the pleasure to trade items for my collection.


Aca, podras encontrar enlaces a muchas paginas relacionadas con chicles,sitios de interes,y ademas una lista de coleccionistas de envases de chicle y de otras cosas con quienes he tenido el placer de intercambiar lo que coleccionamos.

It's not my aim to have all the links ,so here are some websites from fellow collectors that are formidable and have many valuable information:

No es mi intencion de abarcar todo,aca hay unas exelentes paginas de otros coleccionistas con valiosa informacion:




 Websites of collectors 
Sitios web de Coleccionistas


Fred Isaksen's gum packs page from Norway,with all kind of gum related links and list of  collectors! 


Kenzou Shiga's Web-Site    a Japanese collector' web-site with many images 


Valery Nosal's Web-site from Russia , with many gum pictures, photos of collectors,etc. 


Priit Koppel Gum Wrappers Site: A collector from Estonia 


Vladislav Kuchta Website: another Czech collector that has the greatest collection of gum wrappers


Franki's Website: from the Czech Republic ( in Czech)


Jiri Kuba's Website: another collector from the Czech Republic




Blogs and forums of Collectors of Gum Wrappers or related Items
Blogs y Foros de coleccionistas de Envases de Chicles o articulos similares


Gum Forum of Wrappers Collectors: In Russian

Forum of Collectors of Gum Insert Pictures and Wrappers: in Russian 

Blog of Korean Wrappers Collectors: In Korean  

Procoleccionismo: Blog of Collectors of all kinds of items, and article related to my collection, in Spanish

 Here are some websites with pictures of gum and wrappers: 
Aca hay unos cuantos sitios con  imagenes de chicles y envases:


Matteo's Gum Packs from Italy


Virtual Museum of Israeli Chewing Gum Wrappers with many old gum pictures from the 50's and 60's


Gum & Countries   where every country in my collection is represented by a picture of a typical gum wrapper.


Old American Gum Wrappers: Ephemera of old American gum wrappers from WW II time

Some websites where you can buy ,sell or bid gum wrappers: 
Algunos sitios donde puedes comprar,vender o subastar envases de chicle:


Ebay Auctions  a place where you can see,bid,buy or sell gum wrappers and a lot of other items


The Forum  where you can find very expensive gum wrappers on sale 


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